Friday, January 29, 2010

Judgment is Coming

Over the past several months, maybe years, I have watched and also listened to many ministries. While listening I often would find myself asking a question,"how can anyone belief what the ministry is saying and doing?"
Where is the discernment of the church.
The western hemisphere church watched in the 80's the religious house of cards topple and fall to the ground. It is of my opinion that the church did not learn the lesson that God wanted us to learn. That being that God will not wink at sin.
I have been looking inward because of an un-easy feeling of wondering when is the other shoe going to drop.
Just the other day while checking my emails, I received one from Andrew Strom and his ministry Revival School.
As I began to read it answered that un-easy feeling I was having.
Instead of writing a book esay, I am going to post what I would call a true Word from the Holy Spirit.
Please read:

Cindy deVille. (June 8, 2008).
Preface: This is a very intense word and I will not make any excuses for the Spirit of God or attempt to manage Him. I will tell you though that this word came from the depths of God's heart. I felt the same zeal and love that I believe drove Jesus to cleanse the temple. His presence was very heavy upon me as I wrote this...

Judgment Is Coming to the Pulpits of America

"The zeal for My house has consumed Me says the Spirit of God! The love for My people has overtaken Me!
Therefore I will begin, I will begin, I will begin says the Spirit of God.
I will begin now to cleanse My house, I will call out and I will bring judgment, I will enter in and begin in the pulpits of America! The fear of Me shall hit the five-fold ministry, it will cause many to shudder as I utter My judgments.

The five-fold ministry shall see My judgments. Those who presume to speak for Me with hidden sin, they will see judgment come to them, swiftly and suddenly! Those who think they can live in sin, be My mouthpiece and stand in My Holy place with the mask of deception on their face, they shall see My swift judgments! It shall be like an earthquake, and everything shall shake! Everything shall shake. For I will have My way!

This is a day when I will not tolerate their sin anymore! NO MORE, NO MORE says the Spirit of the Lord!
For I am coming to My temple and with a great roar! I will bring fear back to My house again and I will confront and remove the sin that many in the pulpit are living in! And some shall be examples as Ananais and Saphira.
All that can be shaken will be shaken. For I will have a Holy people, a Holy nation.
I will have a Glorious Church and I will remove everything and everyone standing in My way. For this is a new day!

You say mercy, mercy, grace, grace and you think that will erase the hidden sin you continue to live and revel in!
I will have it no more! Your words are nothing to Me, it is your actions that I see! You have trampled on My grace and made a mockery of My mercy and you have taught My people the same and now My name is shamed! Now My people think that I am OK with sin, You have opened the door and let it into My sanctuary, into My Holy place, You have made My house one of disgrace.
You have defiled My house and defiled My people! The sin is destroying My people, destroying My Church and destroying your nation!

I am done with you, and I will have it no more!
No more mercy and no more grace, for you come near to Me with your words but your heart is far, far from Me.
Do you not know that I see everything?
You cannot fool or deceive Me as you do My people,
For I AM the God of all truth and I will deal with you!

For I AM a Holy God and My sanctuary shall be holy, and
I WILL HAVE A HOLY PEOPLE that they might bear My Glory!
They shall be holy unto Me, therefore I must remove the unclean things!
I will raise up and I will bring down!
I will remove apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist from the pulpit, those in the five-fold ministry who are defiling My house and defiling My people. I will have it NO MORE, NO MORE, says the Spirit of the Lord.

My judgment is coming to the pulpits of America. I will judge, I will cleanse, I will purify!
I have seen in secret and I will reward you openly! I will expose your sin.
You have fooled My people but you have not fooled Me says the Spirit of God, for I see all things! I see what you have done behind closed doors and I say to you, I WILL HAVE IT NO MORE! For judgment has opened the door and is coming in.

These are not mere words that I speak to you, but watch Me, says the Spirit of God, I will perform My word, and you will know the fear of Me again. For I am the Lord of Glory and this is not as before, this is not as before, this is not as before!!! I am coming to deal with the sin in the pulpits of America, I am coming in to deal with you! I will have it no more, no more says the Spirit of the Lord!

For I am warning you says the Spirit of God, do not step up to the pulpit with hidden sin in your life, for you may not live to see another day for I will have My Church, My way, says the Spirit of Grace.

This is not a game, this is not a game! All the earth shall know My name!
I am not playing games!"


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