A resurgence of miracles, signs and wonders started back with Aimee Semple McPherson.
Along came the tent revivals of the 1940's with evangelists like, A. A. Allen, R.W. Schambach.
Then came the master of Miracle Services of Kathryn Kuhlman. She appealed not only to the working class, but also to the well-known,rich and poor. Here crusades were televised and it was ratings heaven.
Oral Roberts started as a tent-evangelist and saw the power of television and took to the airwaves with choreographed singers and dancers and he preached through the television as if he was having a one on one conversation with those who were watching.
The great master of this style of service was with Rex Hummbard.
The age of Miracles signs and wonders never had it so good.
Jesus saw this day coming when He spoke in Matthew 7:21-23 giving a warning about those who prophesy, cast out devils, and have done many works in His' name. His' reply was this "...I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work inquity."
I believe he gave this warning because he knew a day would come when a man would appear on the scene working great signs and miracles, even calling down fire. But before this man can step onto the world stage something has to be stripped from people, that being discernment.
John gives the church a warning to the believers when he writes "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether the are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1John 4:1)
If someone were to put this into practice, someone would shout out "touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." They would say to those who believe what John wrote and say they have a judgemental spirit.
Well guess who will be the ones who will fall under this great new preacher with all the signs he does, the preacher being the anti-christ, false preacher, the new world religion.
If something does not happen to where God shakes the church, especially in the western hemisphere, there is coming a day of sorrow when people will be asking themselves,"how could this have happened to me?"
The church needs a movement that will allow God to hit the re-set button.
In later posts I want to write about things to watch about certain preachers and their tricks they use to make it look like God is working with them.
Stay tune!
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