Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Preacher, Prophet?

I have been following a certain story about a preacher/prophet.
While following this story I have also been reading a book by Andrew Strom of why he left the 'prophetic movement'.
What really makes a prophet? Is it his orator skills? How about the signs that happen in the service?
The answer to all of these questions is no.
A prophet throughout the scriptures was found to have just one message, the message of repentance.
2 John 1:10-11 KJV If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: (11) For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
There are alot of self-made prophets, prophets of profit. The apostle John warns about these type of preachers, teachers. He warns us not to give our blessing to these type of preachers.
If we do John tells us the we become partakers of their evil deeds. John's warning was not new, Christ warned us also, when he spoke of people who approached the throne and told the Lord what they have done and the answer came back, 'depart from me, I never knew you' (Matthew 7:23).
When you give to these type with finaces you are putting your blessing on them by your action of financial giving.
The next time you are asked to support a ministry with your finances, stop and ask yourself, is this really a ministry that God has put his blessing on. Large crowds, signs, wonders,and so-called miracles are not signs of God's blessing on a ministry.
Give yourself some time and read Andrew Strom's book, Why I left the prophetice movement. After you have finished, you will be glad that you have read the book.
So, not all preachers, self named prophets, have God's seal on them. We need to learn discernment when it comes to these people.
Discernment comes from study, the study of God's Word.
If you have questions, but feel it may be stupid, remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
God bless, and happy studying.

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