When I sat down to write this post I believed I knew the subject very well because I had been taught a certain bias concerning it. I would just write what I was taught growing up through the years and then what I had taught and preached myself.
To satisfy my soul I decided I would refresh myself on the subject and set myself to the task of quickly studying the scriptures again.
I have always believed that there is coming a time that has been prophesised in the Prophets of Old, and also by John of Patmos.
Yes, there will be a one world government, one world religion, and then a one world economic system.
If it were not for the Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump, and his espousals about changing the way America would do trade I probably would have not been intrigued enough to set about writing this post.
Donald Trump may say what he wants but he cannot change what God has planned for mankind and this world.
To understand totally you must first have to understand some basics about end-times prophecy.
- Interpret scripture with scripture
- The words 'Israel' and 'The Church' are not interchangeable.
- God's people are the people of Israel.
- The church represents the Bride of Christ.
- There are types and shadows throughout scripture.
- Places can be two-fold. Literal and figuratively.
The image the King of Babylon saw and as Daniel interpreted were four major empires.(Daniel 2)
- Babylon
- Mede-Persia
- Greece
- Rome
Babylon was the head and would be conquered by Mede-Persia(chest and arms). The Medes would then be overthrown by the Belly of Bronze(Greece under Alexander the Great). The legs, The Roman Empire, would overthrow the Grecian Empire.
This Roman Empire would eventually splinter into smaller empires.
Here is a description of a beast that John saw in Revelation 13
Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea; and I saw a beast rising out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, and upon its heads names of blasphemy.
Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopardess, and its feet as of a bear, and its mouth as a lion's mouth; and the dragon gave to it his power, and his throne, and great authority;
Rev 13:3 and one of his heads was as slain to death, and his wound of death had been healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast.
I was taught and believed that this head that is wounded and healed would be the Revived Roman Empire. I have now come to believe that belief is not so. I feel that that head is the former Babylonian Empire.
It falls into place when certain other pieces are put into place. As I began to research this out I came to find out many things about Babylon I did not know before.
Babylon can trace its roots back to the tower of Babel. Babylon was found in what we now call Iraq. It was surrounded by seven hills or mountains. It was the very first kingdom to worship false gods.
It sat upon the Mesopotamian river and was the major hub for all trade in the area.
So, here is what I come to believe. The revived empire is Babylon of old, the head of the image found in Daniel. From out of it will arise a world leader, which scripture calls 'the anti-christ'. He will usher in a new religion, and then set up Babylon to be the centre of all trade in the world.
His new economics will be that he will put into place a mark which shall be given to all mankind. Without a person will not be able to buy or sell.
At first he will come saying he has the answers and makes a peace treaty with Israel.
He will demand, like the king of Babylon that all men worship him and him alone.
So, you see, if Donald Trump is elected he cannot stop what God has already started to happen.
There is more that needs to be searched and understood.
I hope what I have wrote has provoked you to reaching for you Bible and begin to study like never before.
Follow Me on Twitter: @dmbourne
Like me on Facebook: Rethinking Scripture
I have started many times to write this post only to find myself deeper into research on the subject.
Starting down this road I believed I knew the subject matter quite well. But while travelling down this road they were curves, hills, and many surprises. The biggest surprise was that I had come to a conclusion that what I was taught growing up in an evangelical(Pentecostal, Church of God, etc.,) was not backed by scripture.
I had been taught and many scholars today still believe this and that is the revived empire found in the Book of Revelation is the Revived Roman Empire. I disagree with this finding and my feelings and beliefs are now set on the place called 'Babylon'.
Scholars believe in a real place called Babylon but only the one mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible.
It will take many writings to write all that I have learned from history about Babylon and also what is said found in the pages of The Bible.
Join me on this journey on the road to rethinking scripture.
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