Wednesday, August 03, 2016

An Open Rebuke to Evangelical Leaders

Scratching my head, frustrated, and righteous anger.  These are some terms to describe how I am feeling about evangelicals in the United States election 2016.

These are very serious times, times which we have never seen before.  These are matters of which cannot be taken lightly. 

This election  of 2016 must be met with a grave consideration of our thought.  It is not a matter of being loyal to a political party, but a matter of  which way does the citizens of the United States want to go.  Pick the wrong way and it could lead down a road of no return.

I would not be writing this if I was still in active ministry. If I were still standing behind a pulpit the only advice I would give to the parishoners is this, get out and vote, and vote your conscience.

There are two evangelical leaders that I have heard some things with my own ears that disturbs me deeply.  They are Jerry Falwell Jr and Jim Bakker.  I am not a follower of either.  I will admit though my mother did travel to Charlotte, NC to vacation at Bakker’s Heritage USA. She went several times over a period of years and I never travelled there with her.

Concering Jerry Falwell Jr the concern I have is that he would shake Donald Trump’s hand and give him the invitation to speak to his campus students.  The other concern is this, he proposed that every student should carry a gun while on campus. A university that declares is a christian university.  Somehow the terms christian university and guns just do not connect no matter how you parse it.

My concern with Jim Bakker is this, he is proposing that if the Democratic nominee is elected that a ministry like his is in danger and would be pushed off the air.  I disagree, Jim Bakker.  Aligning yourself with Donald Trump, a man who is willing to ban one who culture allowed in the United States.  Donald Trump is the nominee that would actually go and begin stripping the rights of freedom of speech.  He is already barring certain press media from his rallies.

Both are aligning themselves with a person who is openly a racist and a bigot.  Those are just two of his flawed character.  Donald Trump and evangelicals do not mix, like oil and water do not mix.

History teaches us through the scriptures and other sources that every time God’s people have aligned themselves with a earthly government they end up in trouble.  They have been taken captive, treated like second rate citizens.  I deeply feel that this things may be the results of the evangelicals aligning themselves with a Donald Trump administration.

I don’t understand the reasoning why evangelicals in North America are seeking protection from an earthly government, when really the only protection they need is from the God that they profess to believe in and trust in.

I believe when evangelicals put their trust in man instead of God it ties God’s hands putting a hinderance in God’s ability to sustain them.

This post has been very difficult for me to write.  I thought and prayed for several days before sitting down to write it.  When I write any post I truly give much meditation and time in searching for the words and the thoughts that I want to convey.

So, I strongly implore the reader of this post to take it to heart and seek God’s wisdom about how you will vote in November 2016.  I would also stress to take to heart what is being expounded from the pulpit of the congregation you worship with.

These truy are the last days.

Follow me on Twitter: @dmbourne



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