Friday, November 20, 2015

When I Study, Which Bible Version Should I Use?

I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I won't sin myself bankrupt.
(Psalms 119:11 MSG)

Since the invention of the printing press man began to have access to facts, stories, and of course the printed Word.  The Bible is still the most sold book in the world.

Well man began to study looking at different reference materials to get a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures.  They would compile what they had researched and began offering varying translations of the Bible.  These translations would soon become within the price range of the average working person.

A debate began and it is still ongoing, which is the best version of the Bible is best.

Most found themselves choosing one version, The King James Bible, sanctioned to be created by King James of England around the year 1611.

Before the advent of the computer and the internet it was difficult for a person to house many translations in their book shelves.  To have at least 2 versions many would purchase a parallel Bible.  Two versions side by side on the page.  Also, many would have cross-references and footnotes.  One Study Bible rose to the top of people’s favourites, The Thompson Chain Reference Bible.

Now everyone can have as many multiple Bible versions right on their computer.  There are two free Bible software that I use constantly.  E-Sword.  The other is The Word.Both have lots of free modules that can be installed into the programs.  I would encourage you to try both.  Also try various Bible versions.  You soon will find your favourites.  There are also many other help modules, like Commentaries, Dictionaries, etc…

So, we no longer have any excuses to any road blocks to studying the Bible.

Finally, most books of the Bible have been transcribed from original texts.  No one Bible is the definitive version, no set rule.

Find your computer, boot it up, install the software and start your many long years of enriched studying.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What Would Jesus Do?

You need to know that I have other sheep in addition to those in this pen. I need to gather and bring them, too. They'll also recognize my voice. Then it will be one flock, one Shepherd.
(John 10:16 MSG)

As I write this the attacks in Paris is still being covered by news media everywhere.

As I am watching the news I am wondering one thing, what would Jesus do?  When I ask myself that question I remember the story of the good Samaritan.  A man had been beaten and robbed and left for dead on the side of the road.  One man went by and basically ignored the man.  Another also went by, he said yes I see your needs and kept going on his’ way.  Yet another man came upon the man, he saw the needs and instead of going on his’ way he stopped and attended to the man’s wounds and the rest of the needs.

There is a certain segment of people in the west who are playing a game of fear about the security and safety of their own.  They are wanting to close their doors to the refugees.  Like the story of the man on the side of the road they are walking by, seeing and knowing the refugees needs but do not want to stop and offer help.

Of everything I know about the true faith of Muslim People they are a peaceful people.

The group called ISIS is not a true Islam.  They are some radical bunch of hateful, murderous, and divisive people.

Are you the reader, going to be a follower of the crowd or are you going to be inclusive of people of the Muslim Faith.

I believe if Jesus were here on earth, he would be offering a hand up to the many who are hurting and running from terror in their homeland.

I realise that writing this post that it could invoke some controversy but I am willing to take that risk.

Let’s all love our brother and sisters even if they do not look like or speak like us.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Studying in these times

Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.
(2 Timothy 2:15 AMP)

From the time we start school there is one theme that we are taught all throughout our school years, to get good grades we must study.  Yes, most of us complain how hard it is to study and how difficult it is to finish an exam on what we have studied.

We finally reach the end of grade twelve and we are now graduating and the next chapter of our learning starts with post – secondary education.  Then after all the hard work we leave with a degree, masters, etc.,

Somehow we have the impression that our study life is now over only to become aware that as we go through life we learn from life’s every aspect.  First job, marriage, then children.

The continuation of learning from life starts a new phase.  Retirement, children’s marriage, and the arrival of grand – children.

It is the same with our walk with God.  All through the scripture we are told to study.  The ten commandments, proverbs, sermon on the mount and the writings of the apostles,  Sometimes we ask how relevant is all these things.  We may not see the purpose immediately but somewhere down the path that the things we have learned become useful.

I am in my fifties and I am still learning new things as I study and read.  It is like the new day, fresh and vibrant.  Each time causing me to forge ahead to study and learn more.

I hope you will continue your studies in the scriptures it will bring about great dividends.