Friday, December 10, 2010

Coming Soon, the Greatest financial Collapse.

Foreclosures, unemployment rate above 9 percent, bailouts, stimulus, tax cut debates, great recession, just some of the words which have been in all headlines either in newspapers, cable news, and internet websites.

All of these problems are not just the fault of one singular event, but, many events combining together caused the greatest recession since the 1929 stock market crash. Like then, people are having their homes go into foreclosures.  Layoffs and jobs being eliminated has caused the unemployment rate to go above nine percent.

This recession not only caused people to lose their jobs, homes, and other assets, it also brought about some very large corporations to go into bankruptcy, be bought from another corporation.

Auto makers begin to show signs that they were also ready to implode causing governments to hand out stimulus money so that the auto industry could stay en tact so that they could re-organize and begin to take measures in their finances to start to rebuild their corporations.  General Motors after long months of agony came out of bankruptcy and then begin to offer shares on the New York Stock Exchange after being absent.

Over the years there have been many bubbles burst.  The tech bubble, housing, sub-prime mortgages, and probably a few that have not been mentioned.

It is my opinion that this recession of 2008 through 2010, maybe even longer, it is a taste of what is come, only difference right now is that intervention was not delayed to avoid another greater depression, greater than that of 1929 through the 1930’s.

Start preparing yourself, your family, and friends because there is coming a total collapse of all the world’s finance system.

Please read the following from the Book of the Bible, Revelation chapter 13 from the Message Bible

{11)  I saw another Beast rising out of the ground. It had two horns like a lamb but sounded like a dragon when it spoke.
{12)  It was a puppet of the first Beast, made earth and everyone in it worship the first Beast, which had been healed of its deathblow.
{13)  This second Beast worked magical signs, dazzling people by making fire come down from Heaven.
{14)  It used the magic it got from the Beast to dupe earth dwellers, getting them to make an image of the Beast that received the deathblow and lived.
{15)  It was able to animate the image of the Beast so that it talked, and then arrange that anyone not worshiping the Beast would be killed.
{16)  It forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on the right hand or forehead.
{17)  Without the mark of the name of the Beast or the number of its name, it was impossible to buy or sell anything.
{18)  Solve a riddle: Put your heads together and figure out the meaning of the number of the Beast. It's a human number: six hundred sixty-six.

There are three things found in the book of Revelation.

First we see a new politic system that encompasses every nation.  This political system is controlled by one man, the man being the Antichrist.  He comes to power during a time of global unrest.  Back in chapter 6 the world is hit by famine.

Revelation 6:  (from the Message Bible)
{4)  Another horse appeared, this one red. Its rider was off to take peace from the earth, setting people at each other's throats, killing one another. He was given a huge sword.
{5)  When he ripped off the third seal, I heard the third Animal cry, "Come out!" I looked. A black horse this time. Its rider carried a set of scales in his hand.
{6)  I heard a message (it seemed to issue from the Four Animals): "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, or three quarts of barley, but all the oil and wine you want."
{7)  When he ripped off the fourth seal, I heard the fourth Animal cry, "Come out!"
{8)  I looked. A colorless horse, sickly pale. Its rider was Death, and Hell was close on its heels. They were given power to destroy a fourth of the earth by war, famine, disease, and wild beasts.

It is hard for most people around the world, especially industrial nations where workers are paid by even if it is just minimal wage. Can you see yourself waking up one morning when you turn on the news and the reporter says as of today bread will cost you one day’s pay for each loaf you buy.

One morning people woke up to find out that all of their savings and investments were totally worthless. The day was Black Thursday - October 24, 1929.

Many people became homeless.  Soup kitchens were opened around the nation to help those who could not afford to buy any type of groceries.

Numbers of suicides began to escalate.  Most were millionaire men.  They couldn’t handle the thought of being penniless, so they do what most will do in the greatest financial disaster even seen around the globe.

Now, this new charismatic leader brings forth a law that if the people want to buy or sell goods they will need to be given an marking either on the forehead, or on the right hand. This is the beginning of a new way to handle the economies.

Early scholars, before the rise of personal computers and the internet, believed that most of the plagues, sickness, and financial problems would be limited to one specific location.  With the advent of computers in every home connected to the internet it now looks like from these portions of scriptures that what the apostle John saw will be global.

Economies, trade industry, are so interconnected that if only one economy were to default it would send a tsunami of troubles, that this recession that started in 2008 will be a walk in the park compared to what is to come.

There is so much more that I could write about but that would be a very long discussion.

Will you be ready for this final economic disaster.

Remember, 2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (King James bible.

Blogger Labels:

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

When it seems like God has failed

Have you ever been in a situation where it seemed that no matter what you did proved to be fruitless.
The evangelical, charismatic, groups will declare 'God doesn't fail' it must be something wrong with you.  Maybe, you, a very weak faith.
Yes it is natural that men fail and fail others, leaving you with a distrust towards that person, or maybe a company.
Everytime you go through a situation that looks hopeless you put your faith and trust toward God.
You question everthing you believe in about God when maybe you face a terminal disease.  You pray in earnest asking God for a miracle of healing.  You follow your doctor's advice so that the disease that has attacked your body is expelled from your body and the doctor gives you a clean health slate.
I am writing this as to start a study about how people deal with the depression and feelings that just maybe God has failed you.
If you are reading this I am asking you to take a few minutes and post your comments about the situation where you had the feeling of being failed by God.  Write and share about the situation, how you were feeling and how was your mental health was during the crisis you faced.
Some crisis's may have been, divorce, no healing or miracle for that one with terminal disease.  Maybe you are a parent and have lost a child either through disease, accident, or while serving their country in a military action.
Maybe, you were a regular worshipper in your home church only to find out the clergy that has served the congregation with regular sermons etc., has failed morally.
So, I ask you as a reader to share with this blogger and others, about the time you did feel like God has failed you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I am posting a writing by Lee Grady.
Since I have been dealing with the five-fold ministry and about Apostles and Prophets I felt this letter was timely and needed to be read by more than just those on a certain email list.
Here is the letter by Lee Grady:
My heart cries out for the American church to stop muddling,
muffling, cheapening, distorting and merchandising the pure
gospel. How we need to return to the simplicity of evangelism that
cuts to the heart, produces repentance and reveals the Son of God.

For several months I’ve been asking the Lord to make me his
trumpet. In my quest He’s shown me some of the qualities that
shaped biblical prophets into His mouthpieces. I pray all of us will
adopt these same characteristics.

1. A prophet is bold. True prophets have steel backbones and
foreheads of flint. They do not cower when the majority disagrees
with them. Like the apostle Paul, they are compelled to preach
because a holy restlessness churns inside them. They are
possessed by God, and they must release the fire inside. Will you
pray for this boldness and say with Isaiah, “Here am I, send me”
(Is. 6:8, NASB)—even when you know you will be opposed?

2. A prophet stays biblical. So much of what is passed off as
prophecy today resembles what you might find in a daily
horoscope. The so-called “prophetic movement” in the contemporary
church has been tainted by silly fads and charismatic witchcraft.
One prophetic e-mail list sent out a word recently saying that
dormant angels were being awakened out of the walls of our
churches. (That’s not remotely scriptural.) Another predicted that
God would begin to speak to people through the names of candy
bars and blue jeans.

So much of our prophetic verbiage sounds like warm and fuzzy
fortunetelling. This type of “imitation prophecy” can titillate and
thrill those with itching ears, but it is pablum designed for babies
who don’t want to grow up. What we need is a word we can sink
our teeth into—true meat that is the Word of God.

3. A prophet does not compromise. Nathan was willing to confront
King David’s sin, even though the prophet was on the palace
payroll. Yet today, we practice the “you scratch my back, I’ll
scratch yours” rule. We prophesy what people want to hear so we
can get an honorarium and an invitation to return. This has caused
some whole groups of prophets to collectively follow each other
into a ditch.

Beware of the herd mentality! Don’t just swallow and follow! You
cannot go along with something just because everyone else is
doing it or preaching it. Stay close to the Lord, develop keen
discernment and listen to the nagging voice of your conscience.

4. A prophet is compassionate. Some prophets today refuse to
confront because they are too nice. Others speak rashly “like the
thrusts of a sword” (see Prov. 12:18) and their words are delivered
with a bitter, vindictive spirit. Neither of these prophets will receive
his reward. We must speak the truth, and we must do it in love.

Most people think Jeremiah was angry and judgmental, but
actually he wept when he confronted Israel’s sins. It is not enough
to prophesy the Lord’s word—we should aim to speak with His
tone of voice. We must be willing to intercede for and identify with
those we confront.

5. A prophet stays pure. When Moses made the tabernacle, God
told him to make silver trumpets that were “hammered work” (Num.
10:2). If we want to speak for Him, we must be willing to endure
the smelting process. (In other words, prepare to be hammered!)
Before Isaiah could be an effective prophet to his nation, his lips
had to touch burning coals from God’s altar (see Is. 6:6-8). We
must be willing to visit the uncomfortable furnace of sanctification.

God is not so much interested in the booming voice, the rousing
delivery, the charisma or the technological savvy that we expect
today from celebrity preachers. What matters most is pure content,
and that can only flow through a pure vessel.

6. A prophet faithfully embraces the call. Jonah tried to flee as far
as possible from Nineveh, but the God of the second chance used
a strange vessel to get the prophet back on course. It involved a
visit to a fish’s stomach, where Jonah spent three days in
darkness, stewing in digestive juices. When the fish vomited him
on land, he was better prepared to speak heaven’s words.

~From "Becoming a Trumpet of the Lord" -
Keep Studying and be happy

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Who do you follow, and why?

When attending evangelical services ask yourself why do I attend. Do you attend and follow because of gifts being promoted, or because of the Word being expounded.
Lately in the evangelical movement there is a trend that has embedded itself within the movement. The following of gifts.
Gifts in their rightful place are not wrong, but within the wrong can do much harm.
If you listen, read, or hear, most evangelists, prophets, and others of the five fold ministry the highlight of their advertisements is the gifts, Miracles, healings, personal words of prophecy. People are chasing the extremes and not chasing the giver of the gifts. If you are chasing personal words of prophecy to help you plan your life than you are chasing a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
These gifts should operate as a compliment to the preaching of the Word. Unfortunately the Word has been given a back seat to gifts, and the showing of strange and curious happenings.
The apostle Paul did not encourage the gifts to be at the forefront, but the Word and the doctrine of the Word be foremost in our lives. Even Paul had times of seeing the gifts working in his' ministry, but he encouraged people to follow him as he followed Christ. Notice he did not encourage people to run and follow the extreme.
Christ also had gifts working throughout his lifetime of ministry, but still he told his' followers to live by the Word.
The evangelicals need to move back to the place where the Word is foremost in ministry and in people's personal lives.
So, again, the question is, Who do you follow, and why?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Making of a Prophet

I am going to use someone elses writings but feel it is appropriate to the subject about prophets and the rest of the five-fold ministries.

Here is the writing of T. Austin-Sparks.
-by T. Austin-Sparks.

Prophetic ministry is not something that you can take up. It is something that you are. No academy can make you a prophet. Samuel instituted the schools of the prophets... But there is a great deal of difference between those academic prophets and the living, anointed prophets. The academic prophets became members of a profession and swiftly degenerated into something unworthy.
All the false prophets came from schools of prophets, and were accepted publicly on that ground. They had been to college and were accepted. But they were false prophets. Going to a religious college does not of itself make you a prophet of God.

My point is this - the identity of the vessel with its ministry is the very heart of Divine thought. A man is called to represent the thoughts of God, to represent them in what he is, not in something that he takes up as a form or line of ministry, not in something that he does. The vessel itself is the ministry and you cannot divide between the two.


That explains everything in the life of the great prophets. It explains the life of Moses, the prophet whom the Lord God raised up from among his brethren (Deut. 18:15,18). Moses essayed to take up his life-work. He was a man of tremendous abilities, "learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians " (Acts 7:22), with great natural qualifications and gifts, and then somehow he got some conception of a life-work for God. It was quite true; it was a true conception, a right idea; he was very honest, there was no question at all about his motives; but he essayed to take up that work on the basis of what he was naturally, with his own ability, qualifications and zeal,
and on that basis disaster was allowed to come upon the whole thing.

Not so are prophets made; not so can the prophetic office be exercised. Moses must go into the wilderness and for forty years be emptied out, until there is nothing left of all that as a basis upon which he can have confidence to do the work of God or fulfil any Divine commission. He was by nature a man "mighty in his words and works"; and yet now he says, "I am not eloquent... I am slow of speech..." (Exodus 4:10). There has been a tremendous undercutting of all natural facility and resource...

We go through times of trial and test under the hand of God, and it is so easy to get into that frame of mind which says in effect, 'The Lord does not want us, He need not have us!' We let everything go, we do not care about anything; we have gone down under our trials and we are rendered useless. I do not believe the Lord ever comes to a person like that to take them up. Elijah, dispirited, fled to the wilderness, and to a cave in the mountains; but he had to get somewhere else before the Lord could do anything with him. "What doest thou here, Elijah?" (I Kings 19:9). The Lord never comes to a man and recommissions him when he is in despair. 'God shall forgive thee all but thy despair' (F. W. H. Myers, 'St. Paul') - because despair is lost faith in God, and God can never do anything with one who has lost faith.

Moses was emptied to the last drop, and yet he was not angry or disagreeable with God. What was the Lord doing? He was making a prophet. Beforehand, the man would have taken up an office, he would have made the prophetic function serve him, he would have used it. There was no inward, vital relationship between the man and the work that he was to do; they were two separate things; the work was objective to the man. At the end of forty years in the wilderness he is in a state for this to become subjective; something has been done. There has been brought about a state which makes the man fit to be a living expression of the Divine thought. He has been emptied of his own thoughts to make room for God's thoughts; he has been emptied of his own strength, that all
the energy should be of God... That was the great lesson this prophet had to learn. 'I cannot!' 'All right', said the Lord, 'but I AM.'

A great deal is made of the natural side of many of the Lord's servants, and usually with tragic results. A lot is made of Paul. '
What a great man Paul was naturally, what intellect he had, what training, what tremendous abilities!' That may all be true, but ask Paul what value it was to him when he was right up against a spiritual situation. He will cry, "Who is sufficient for these things?... Our sufficiency is from God" (II Cor. 2:16; 3:5). Paul was taken through experiences where he, like Moses, despaired of life. He said, "We... had the sentence of death within ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead" (II Cor. 1:9).


You see, the principle is at work all the time, that God is going to make the ministry and the minister identical. You see it in all the prophets. The Lord stood at nothing. He took infinite pains. He worked even through domestic life, the closest relationships of life.
Think of the tragedy of Hosea's domestic life. Think of Ezekiel, whose wife the Lord took away in death at a stroke. The Lord said, 'Get up in the morning, anoint your face, allow not the slightest suggestion of mourning or tragedy to be detected; go out as always before, as though nothing had happened; show yourself to the people, go about with a bright countenance, provoke them to enquire what you mean by such outrageous behaviour.' The Lord brought this heartbreak upon him and then required him to act thus. Why? Ezekiel was a prophet; he had got to embody his message, and the message was this: 'Israel, God's wife, has become lost to God, dead to God, and Israel takes no notice of it; she goes on the same as ever, as though nothing had happened.' The prophet must bring it home by his own experience. God is working the thing right in. He works it in in deep and terrible ways in the life of His servant to produce ministry.

God is not allowing us to take up things and subjects. If we are under the Holy Ghost, He is going to make us prophets; that is, He is going to make the prophecy a thing that has taken place in us, so that what we say is only making vocal something that has been going on, that has been done in us. God has been doing it
through years in strange, deep, terrible ways in some lives, standing at nothing, touching everything; and the vessel, thus wrought upon, is the message. People do not come to hear what you have to teach. They have come to see what you are, to see that thing which has been wrought by God. What a price the prophetic instrument has to pay!

So Moses went into the wilderness, to the awful undoing of his natural life, his natural mentality; to be brought to zero; to have the thing wrought in him. And was God justified? - for after all it was a question of resource for the future. Oh, the strain that was going to bear down upon that life! Sometimes Moses well-nigh broke; at times he did crack under the strain. "I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me"
(Num. 11:14)... A terrific strain was going to bear down upon him, and only a deep inwrought thing, something that had been done inside, would be enough to carry through...

With us, too, the strain may be terrific; oft-times there will come the very strong temptation - 'Let go a little, compromise a little, do not be so utter; you will get more open doors if you will only broaden out a bit; you can have a lot more if you ease up!' What is going to save you in that hour of temptation? The only thing is that God has done this thing in you. It is part of your very being - not something you can give up; it is you, your very life. That is the only thing. God knew what He was doing with Moses. The thing had got to be so much one with the man that there was no dividing between them. The man was the prophetic ministry.

He was rejected by his brethren; they would not have him. "Who made thee a prince and a judge over us?" (Ex. 2:14). That is the human side of it. But there was the Divine side. It was of God that he went into the wilderness for forty years. It had to be, from God's side. It looked as though it was man's doing. But it was not so.
These two things went together. Rejection by his brethren was all in line with the sovereign purpose of God. It was the only way in which God got the opportunity He needed to reconstitute this man. The real preparation of this prophet took place during the time that his brethren repudiated him. Oh, the sovereignty of God,
the wonderful sovereignty of God! A dark time, a deep time; a breaking, crushing, grinding time; emptied out. It seems as if everything is going, that nothing will be left. Yet all that is God's way of making prophetic ministry.


We need people who do the work without the titles. Do the work and titles will come next without anyone trying to force titles upon themselves.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fighting for Faith

Jud 1:3-4 MSG
(3) Dear friends, I've dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insisting--begging!--that you fight with everything you have in you for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish.
(4) What has happened is that some people have infiltrated our ranks (our Scriptures warned us this would happen), who beneath their pious skin are shameless scoundrels. Their design is to replace the sheer grace of our God with sheer license--which means doing away with Jesus Christ, our one and only Master.
To the church member. Do you really know and understand the orginal faith that was delivered to the saints during the first century after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? I would venture to guess and say that most would say no to the question.
That faith looks nothing like the faith we are hearing about from the evangelical pulpits in the western hemisphere. Faith today is about what one can get materially from God.
Faith today does not mention that you may have to deny yourself and pick up your cross and carry it daily. Faith is not something that if you don't receive something that you prayed for, shows a lack of.
Faith in the Jude epistle was speaking about true doctrine.
I need to ask, how did we end up in the place that we are in. It is more than likely we are here because of selfish wants. Preached to us by shameless preachers that have entered the midst of the body of Christ. They have corrupted the true message with a message of greed. There is no longer a message of repentence, but one that extols that it is o.k. if you continue in the sins that you were to turn away from. Everyday we read and hear of ministers in the pulpit being involved in scandal after scandal and everyone says it's alright we forgive you. And the scandal keeps on going.
We need some fighters to stand up in the body of Christ and to start to say no to certain so called apostles, evangelists, bishops, etc., that we are tired of this and we are not going to take any more.
Begin to demand that Christ be the center of all messages and the community of Christ. Remember, Christ is the head of the church, not a human man or women on earth. We are his' body and the body cannot function without the head. So what we have is a body jerking around, moving, making noises, but the head is detached. It reminds me of the chicken after the head is chopped from the body. It continues to roll around on the ground making all kinds of cackling until it finally realizes its lost its head and lays down and dies.
I encourage to read the Epistle of Jude and other scripture about that faith Jude spoke of.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The True Government of the Body of Christ

Over the next several posts I will be commenting on the True Government of the Body of Christ.
It is not an organization made by man. Its roots are found in the writings of Paul the Apostle.
The government which we see in the evangelical church of today is not what was seen or known in the early years of the Church after the Day of Pentecost.
Terms and titles that men use are bantered about without much thought.
Ministers giving themselves titles and offices are now status quo. Titles are taken to feed ones' ego and not the will of God.
Paul wrote that all ministries have one and only one reason for a task to be accomplished. That task is found in Ephesians 4:(12)
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
(13) Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

There is very little unity found in the earth. All one has to do is listen and read to various ministries to realize that fact. Everyone is looking out for one thing and one thing only, themselves
The Body of Christ needs to turn and go back to the scriptures and begin to allow the head of the body of Christ be the true Head, being The Lord Jesus Christ.
The favourite titles lately to have are: Bishop or Prophet. The scriptures have much to say about these offices those titles refer to.
Just because one has a gift of prophecy does not make that person a prophet.
The title Bishop sounds lofty, but according to scripture and doing a word study the word bishop and pastor are inter-changeable.
1Ti 3:1-7
If a man desired the pastoral office, and from love to Christ, and the souls of men, was ready to deny himself, and undergo hardships by devoting himself to that service, he sought to be employed in a good work, and his desire should be approved, provided he was qualified for the office. A minister must give as little occasion for blame as can be, lest he bring reproach upon his office. He must be sober, temperate, moderate in all his actions, and in the use of all creature-comforts. Sobriety and watchfulness are put together in Scripture, they assist one the other. The families of ministers ought to be examples of good to all other families. We should take heed of pride; it is a sin that turned angels into devils. He must be of good repute among his neighbours, and under no reproach from his former life. To encourage all faithful ministers, we have Christ's gracious word of promise, Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, Mat_28:20. And he will fit his ministers for their work, and carry them through difficulties with comfort, and reward their faithfulness. (Matthew Henry Commentary)

I would strongle recommend to the reader to go back and read the certain portions of scriptures.
Here they are:
a:) 1Co 12:28-31 KJV
b:) Eph 4:11-13 KJV
c:) Rom 12:1-21 KJV
d:) 1Ti 3:1-16 KJV
Those are just four portions of scriptures, but there is alot within those writings to keep one studying for many hours and days.
My prayer is that the Holy Ghost would begin to move among those in the Body of Christ and show them how Jesus Christ looked ahead in time and saw how the Body of Christ and its' government an hierarchy
(2 a : a ruling body of clergy organized into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it; especially : the bishops of a province or nation b : church government by a hierarchy
3 : a body of persons in authority
4 : the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing; also : the group so classified should look like.)
Join me in study and prayer what God really wants for His' government over the True Church.
Until next time, Happy Studying.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Once again I find myself copy and paste for this newest post.
The article was written by Andrew Strom of Revival School.

I have been reading over a certain amount of time. I have followed other ministries if he has mentioned a ministry that he puts his stamp of approval on such ministry.

So here is the article in its'entirety.
Enoy reading.

I guess you will not be surprised to hear that I was flooded with 600 emails within 24 hours of my announcement that I was leaving the Prophetic movement. Many of them seemed to be highly supportive of the stand I had taken. (-A lot of people have seen alarming things in this movement). But I'm sure I will receive a lot of flak also.
For many years, even when I was truly disturbed by something I usually avoided "naming names" as much as possible. I do not approve of the 'Heresy Hunters' who seem to take such delight in maligning Spirit-filled ministries across the Internet. There is no delight in such things for me. Only grief and sadness that the name of Jesus is once again being brought down into the mud. We live in very sad times in the church today, don't we?

After my previous article, many people asked me again to "name names" and announce clearly who the leaders were at this conference - even though that info was already at the top of my first email. For this one time, I am actually going to accede to their request - because we need to clear the air about these leaders and also a number of others as well. But I have to tell you, I have been totally heart-sick at having to talk about all this.

The speakers at this KC 'Whitedove' Conference were Bob Jones, Paul Keith Davis, Bobby Conner, John Paul Jackson, Shawn Bolz - plus Jim Goll and one or two others. Sadly, I have to say that I have rarely felt so grieved or devastated as when I witnessed the carryings-on at this event. If you get the 'Elijah' List (-the main Prophetic email List) you will recognize most of the names above as being amongst the top "movers and shakers" of the whole movement.

A number of people asked me about Rick Joyner and Morningstar Ministries. Where do they fit into all this? Well, seemingly Rick has always managed to keep himself at a slight distance from the worst excesses and controversies of this movement. (-Except for when he joined the Knights of Malta - an ancient Catholic Order. -By the way, that is probably what led to the fad of using swords to 'knight' people that swept through this movement a few years ago). I have read some of Joyner's books and enjoy some of the things he says, but frankly, just because he has kept himself at a slight distance does not absolve him from the mess that the Prophetic is in today. The fact is, Mr Joyner is very close friends with almost all of the main leaders at this recent conference. He regularly ministers alongside them - and knows them very well. As a 'father' in the movement, if he had brought correction it would have been heeded, but he has clearly failed to do so. Thus, he has to be held accountable for the state of things as much as anyone else. And it would not surprise me if similar deception is finding it's way into Morningstar conferences. (-A number of the same people are involved). Sadly then, I have had to remove any articles or links to Rick Joyner from my web-site - along with all the others.

And speaking of the sad and grievous state of this movement, I wonder how many of you received the following notice from the Elijah List recently about a forthcoming 'School of the Prophets': "God is releasing a new level of revelation that goes beyond just operating in the nine gifts of the Spirit.... Sessions will cover topics like Hearing the Voice of God, Activating your Spiritual Senses, Third Heaven Experiences, and Exploring Spirit Realms." The advertised speakers are Todd Bentley, Stacey Campbell, Larry Randolph, Paul Keith Davis, and Bobby Conner.
Now, I have come across Todd Bentley's teachings on "How to visit the Third Heaven" before, and I tell you, it is nothing less than 'Guided Visualization' taken straight out of the New Age movement. Nothing less and nothing more. It is exactly the same. And I want you to know that if you attend these kinds of things, or allow these men to 'guide' you or lay hands upon you, then you are opening yourself up to all kinds of spirits and demonic counterfeits. As I have stated before, this movement has absolutely NO DISCERNMENT at all. It has sunk into such deception that it's leaders are opening people up to all kinds of demonic experiences on a daily basis. It has no idea that it is even doing it. -It behaves exactly like a movement that has been "given over to deception" by God. I urge again that everyone reading this would prayerfully consider CUTTING OFF all ties to this movement, lest you yourself become tainted by it.

It is with great sadness that I make the above points. I have refrained from saying such things in the past, but I can no longer do so, because untold people are being spiritually damaged by what is going on. Please understand my heart in this.

For the same reason I also need to warn you about another 'prophetess' who is often featured on the Elijah List. Her name is Jill Austin and I have personally witnessed her ministry in action. I would describe it as one of the most disturbing (by far) meetings that I have ever been in. There was definitely a strange "power" operating, but it certainly did not seem like God to me. She is also an expert at 'hyping' an audience. Please be very careful in such environments, my friends. -You can end up taking part in things that you would never normally do, just because you are part of a large crowd.

Sadly, there seem to be many other ministries in this movement involved in similar deception. In fact, I hate to say it, but a general rule might be that if someone is featured on the Elijah List, there has to be at least an 80% chance that their ministry is "off" in some major way. I will say just one more thing about the Elijah List: I am convinced that they will one day give account to God for taking upon themselves the name "Elijah" and then doing what they have done with it. Literally, by their own words they will be judged.

What a lot of people don't seem to recognize is the sheer level of 'peer pressure' and "crowd manipulation" that is going on at many of these events. They end up being led into doing things they feel uncomfortable with, just because "everybody else" is doing it. They squash down their discernment. They ignore the "little voice" or the tiny 'alarm bells' inside them that are trying to get their attention. And thus, multitudes of Christians are being led astray - and paying through the nose for the privilege. I urge anyone reading this who has ever squashed down their discernment and participated in such things, to get before God and REPENT of opening yourself up in that way. It is very important that you confess this before God and ask His forgiveness. RENOUNCE all deception in Jesus' name.

One thing we don't have much time to discuss here is the MONEY issue. This is a huge problem in the Prophetic. Now, I do understand that ministries need finances to operate. I run a ministry myself. And as most of you know, about 5 times a year we put out a book or CD (available for any donation - or even just postage) to go towards the costs of keeping this ministry operating. However, the word itself is always free. It is terribly sad to see the charging of 'entry fees' to hear the word today, and the over-bearing emphasis on MONEY in the church. Did not Jesus clearly command: "Freely you have received, freely give"?

Just because I have cut myself off from today's Prophetic movement does not mean that I believe there is no place for prophets in the church. In fact, I believe we need true prophets now more than ever. But you will notice that there has been a subtle shift in the use of the term "prophet" over the last 25 years, and I believe we need to get back to the original meaning. It was not long ago that when you spoke of a 'prophet' you were usually referring to someone like Keith Green, Leonard Ravenhill or David Wilkerson - someone who was crying out to the lukewarm church, "REPENT." And if you look down the annals of history, you will find that there has never been a true Prophetic movement that did not have this as it's core message. Every true Prophetic movement, right from the Old Testament down through every Revival and Awakening that I have ever studied, has been a movement of REPENTANCE. And yet we find today a movement that calls itself "Prophetic" - but with spiritual 'revelations' and words of knowledge at its core. -No piercing word. This is the precise reason why it has gone off the rails. -It has abandoned it's age-old message. It's 'word' has been corrupted.

I am convinced that God IS going to raise up true prophets in this hour to cry to the lukewarm church "Repent". There is a movement coming that is utterly different from that which we have seen. God is coming to clean house. The "shaking" has already begun. And the "John-the-Baptists" whom God has prepared in the caves and wildernesses are about to arise and speak His word - just as in every Great Awakening down through history.
Some people asked me if I was going to shut down our web-sites and email Lists. Not at all. The whole point of what we're doing is to call forth and encourage these "John-the-Baptists" whom God is raising up in this hour. We will not stop crying aloud until we see a great 'Repentance' Revival sweeping this nation from coast to coast.
As A.W. Tozer wrote of all true prophets down the ages: "God has always had His specialists whose chief concern has been the moral breakdown, the decline in the spiritual health of the nation or the church. Such men were Elijah, Jeremiah, Malachi and others of their kind who appeared at critical moments in history to reprove, rebuke and exhort in the name of God and righteousness... Such a man was likely to be drastic, radical, possibly at times violent, and the curious crowd that gathered to watch him work soon branded him as extreme, fanatical, negative. And in a sense they were right. He was single-minded, severe, fearless, and these were the qualities the circumstances demanded. He shocked some, frightened others and alienated not a few, but he knew who had called him and what he was sent to do. His ministry was geared to the emergency, and that fact marked him out as different, a man apart."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

True ministry of a Prophet

If someone were to ask you 'what is the true purpose of a Prophet?'
a. To hold services and give a personal word of prophecy over people.
b. To encourage to act on their greed side of their personality.
c. To call a solemn assembly and call forth repentence.
Which answer did you give? If you chose c, you are correct. All through scriptures the Prophet's office was that of calling nations and peoples to repent, turn away from false idols.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
(2 Timothy 3:16 KJV)
Some would act like that somethings in Scriptures were not written for them.
God is not mocked. He gave his secretaries to write down things that He wanted His' people to know. The body of Christ can no longer pick and choose what they will or will not obey.
We are truly living in the Book of Revelation. God saw this current situation of the church when He spoke to John. "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
(Revelation 3:14 KJV)
God looked forward through the annals of time and gave it to John to write it to the Laodiceans.
Here is what God spoke: And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
(Revelation 3:14-20 KJV).
The church is living like the Church of Laodicean. God in his' mercy is still calling for repentance. He never gives up on His' creation.
The church needs to look at itself and repent of it's greed.
There needs to be a complete turn about and a return to a message of repentence and salvation.
The church cannot afford to keep teaching the prosperity and realize that it stands naked and should be ashamed of their nakedness.
Keep up the studying and be a great soldier of the Word and the Sword of the Spirit.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Preacher, Prophet?

I have been following a certain story about a preacher/prophet.
While following this story I have also been reading a book by Andrew Strom of why he left the 'prophetic movement'.
What really makes a prophet? Is it his orator skills? How about the signs that happen in the service?
The answer to all of these questions is no.
A prophet throughout the scriptures was found to have just one message, the message of repentance.
2 John 1:10-11 KJV If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: (11) For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
There are alot of self-made prophets, prophets of profit. The apostle John warns about these type of preachers, teachers. He warns us not to give our blessing to these type of preachers.
If we do John tells us the we become partakers of their evil deeds. John's warning was not new, Christ warned us also, when he spoke of people who approached the throne and told the Lord what they have done and the answer came back, 'depart from me, I never knew you' (Matthew 7:23).
When you give to these type with finaces you are putting your blessing on them by your action of financial giving.
The next time you are asked to support a ministry with your finances, stop and ask yourself, is this really a ministry that God has put his blessing on. Large crowds, signs, wonders,and so-called miracles are not signs of God's blessing on a ministry.
Give yourself some time and read Andrew Strom's book, Why I left the prophetice movement. After you have finished, you will be glad that you have read the book.
So, not all preachers, self named prophets, have God's seal on them. We need to learn discernment when it comes to these people.
Discernment comes from study, the study of God's Word.
If you have questions, but feel it may be stupid, remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
God bless, and happy studying.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Judgment is Coming

Over the past several months, maybe years, I have watched and also listened to many ministries. While listening I often would find myself asking a question,"how can anyone belief what the ministry is saying and doing?"
Where is the discernment of the church.
The western hemisphere church watched in the 80's the religious house of cards topple and fall to the ground. It is of my opinion that the church did not learn the lesson that God wanted us to learn. That being that God will not wink at sin.
I have been looking inward because of an un-easy feeling of wondering when is the other shoe going to drop.
Just the other day while checking my emails, I received one from Andrew Strom and his ministry Revival School.
As I began to read it answered that un-easy feeling I was having.
Instead of writing a book esay, I am going to post what I would call a true Word from the Holy Spirit.
Please read:

Cindy deVille. (June 8, 2008).
Preface: This is a very intense word and I will not make any excuses for the Spirit of God or attempt to manage Him. I will tell you though that this word came from the depths of God's heart. I felt the same zeal and love that I believe drove Jesus to cleanse the temple. His presence was very heavy upon me as I wrote this...

Judgment Is Coming to the Pulpits of America

"The zeal for My house has consumed Me says the Spirit of God! The love for My people has overtaken Me!
Therefore I will begin, I will begin, I will begin says the Spirit of God.
I will begin now to cleanse My house, I will call out and I will bring judgment, I will enter in and begin in the pulpits of America! The fear of Me shall hit the five-fold ministry, it will cause many to shudder as I utter My judgments.

The five-fold ministry shall see My judgments. Those who presume to speak for Me with hidden sin, they will see judgment come to them, swiftly and suddenly! Those who think they can live in sin, be My mouthpiece and stand in My Holy place with the mask of deception on their face, they shall see My swift judgments! It shall be like an earthquake, and everything shall shake! Everything shall shake. For I will have My way!

This is a day when I will not tolerate their sin anymore! NO MORE, NO MORE says the Spirit of the Lord!
For I am coming to My temple and with a great roar! I will bring fear back to My house again and I will confront and remove the sin that many in the pulpit are living in! And some shall be examples as Ananais and Saphira.
All that can be shaken will be shaken. For I will have a Holy people, a Holy nation.
I will have a Glorious Church and I will remove everything and everyone standing in My way. For this is a new day!

You say mercy, mercy, grace, grace and you think that will erase the hidden sin you continue to live and revel in!
I will have it no more! Your words are nothing to Me, it is your actions that I see! You have trampled on My grace and made a mockery of My mercy and you have taught My people the same and now My name is shamed! Now My people think that I am OK with sin, You have opened the door and let it into My sanctuary, into My Holy place, You have made My house one of disgrace.
You have defiled My house and defiled My people! The sin is destroying My people, destroying My Church and destroying your nation!

I am done with you, and I will have it no more!
No more mercy and no more grace, for you come near to Me with your words but your heart is far, far from Me.
Do you not know that I see everything?
You cannot fool or deceive Me as you do My people,
For I AM the God of all truth and I will deal with you!

For I AM a Holy God and My sanctuary shall be holy, and
I WILL HAVE A HOLY PEOPLE that they might bear My Glory!
They shall be holy unto Me, therefore I must remove the unclean things!
I will raise up and I will bring down!
I will remove apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist from the pulpit, those in the five-fold ministry who are defiling My house and defiling My people. I will have it NO MORE, NO MORE, says the Spirit of the Lord.

My judgment is coming to the pulpits of America. I will judge, I will cleanse, I will purify!
I have seen in secret and I will reward you openly! I will expose your sin.
You have fooled My people but you have not fooled Me says the Spirit of God, for I see all things! I see what you have done behind closed doors and I say to you, I WILL HAVE IT NO MORE! For judgment has opened the door and is coming in.

These are not mere words that I speak to you, but watch Me, says the Spirit of God, I will perform My word, and you will know the fear of Me again. For I am the Lord of Glory and this is not as before, this is not as before, this is not as before!!! I am coming to deal with the sin in the pulpits of America, I am coming in to deal with you! I will have it no more, no more says the Spirit of the Lord!

For I am warning you says the Spirit of God, do not step up to the pulpit with hidden sin in your life, for you may not live to see another day for I will have My Church, My way, says the Spirit of Grace.

This is not a game, this is not a game! All the earth shall know My name!
I am not playing games!"


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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prophets, Miracles, Lying Signs & Wonders

A resurgence of miracles, signs and wonders started back with Aimee Semple McPherson.
Along came the tent revivals of the 1940's with evangelists like, A. A. Allen, R.W. Schambach.
Then came the master of Miracle Services of Kathryn Kuhlman. She appealed not only to the working class, but also to the well-known,rich and poor. Here crusades were televised and it was ratings heaven.
Oral Roberts started as a tent-evangelist and saw the power of television and took to the airwaves with choreographed singers and dancers and he preached through the television as if he was having a one on one conversation with those who were watching.
The great master of this style of service was with Rex Hummbard.
The age of Miracles signs and wonders never had it so good.
Jesus saw this day coming when He spoke in Matthew 7:21-23 giving a warning about those who prophesy, cast out devils, and have done many works in His' name. His' reply was this "...I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work inquity."
I believe he gave this warning because he knew a day would come when a man would appear on the scene working great signs and miracles, even calling down fire. But before this man can step onto the world stage something has to be stripped from people, that being discernment.
John gives the church a warning to the believers when he writes "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether the are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1John 4:1)
If someone were to put this into practice, someone would shout out "touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." They would say to those who believe what John wrote and say they have a judgemental spirit.
Well guess who will be the ones who will fall under this great new preacher with all the signs he does, the preacher being the anti-christ, false preacher, the new world religion.
If something does not happen to where God shakes the church, especially in the western hemisphere, there is coming a day of sorrow when people will be asking themselves,"how could this have happened to me?"
The church needs a movement that will allow God to hit the re-set button.
In later posts I want to write about things to watch about certain preachers and their tricks they use to make it look like God is working with them.
Stay tune!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Empty Vessel of a preacher

Several days ago I heard a story concerning a preacher and those around him. Those around the man told the story that they had never seen the preacher reading God's word.
How would you feel if you are a parent and it was found out that the teacher never studied the subject the teacher was to teach the students under the teacher's care.
When a person neglects to study the neglect shows up eventually when nothing comes out.
Jesus told us in His' teachings that what defiles a person is what comes out of the person, not what goes in.
"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." (Matthew 15:11 KJV)
Doctors tell us that a person can go about four days without water.
When it comes to the spiritual man, it cannot go without a routine of the 'Word'.
Paul writes to the church in Ephesus that our inner man needs the 'water of the word' to keep us cleansed.
"That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word," (Ephesians 5:26 KJV)
The adage that says, 'what goes in, is that which comes out'
Paul and Peter were in trouble in the city they were in and when night came people helped them sneak out of town and into a place called Berea. As they spoke to the Bereans, the Bereans did not just accept what the apostles told them, but they went and studied daily to see if Paul and Peter were correct with how they taught the Word of God.
"And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews." (Acts 17:10 KJV)
"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:11 KJV)
Do you have a daily routine of searching the scriptures to see if what your spiritual leader was speaking correctly and was a workman that didn't need to be ashamed.
So, to the leaders, whether you are a pastor, Sunday School teacher,or any ministry that you are in a place of teaching, are you taking in enough 'water of the word', or are you dehydrated for a lack of searching the scriptures.
If you are a person who is under a ministry and the ministry is empty, I would suggest to you to seek out a ministry who can give out richly because he has a steady in-flow of the scriptures.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Why do believe what you believe?

If you were asked the question 'why do you believe what you believe', what would be your response.
Would one of your answers be 'it's always been that way'.
Our beliefs start as a blank slate at the time of birth. That blank slate begins to have things written on it.
It begins in a child's formative years. They minds could be looked at like a piece of sponge.
Now as adults we begin the process of organization of beliefs. Getting rid of those which have been proven as fables. Researching another belief because of the orginal is true and it is worthy to be built upon.
Then there are those that we have come into contact which we have not yet considered.
It is said that are minds have just secs to accept or reject a thought before it becomes permanent in our mind.
Our daily focus needs to be that our mind be stayed on the mind of Christ.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3 KJV)
You ask what is the mind of Christ? It is what most of us have in our possession, it is the written word of God.
The mind of Christ is not somthing that goes against holy scriptures. Neither is it some person giving a "personal prophecy" during a revival, healing,and miracle service.
Again as I finish, it comes down again to study.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)