"You need to know that I have other sheep in addition to those in this pen. I need to gather and bring them, too. They'll also recognize my voice. Then it will be one flock, one Shepherd." (John 10:16 MESSAGE VERSION)
Years ago if you were to ask me questions on certain ideas of the Bible I would have given you a very unbending answer. Today, not so rigid in my theories.
I remember when I was in high school there was a part of science that I was steadfast about, the theory about creation. As I have said in my last post I was raised evangelical. The science class though, was teaching that the earth was created differently. The theory of Darwin was to me total non- sense. Dinosaurs was something that someone was hoaxing scientists. I was a pure creationist, dead stop. Well, it was final exam time and there was part of the exam that dealt with Darwin, and I refused to answer what the teacher wanted. Of course I failed, but I stuck to my belief. I wasn't shamed into believing otherwise. Some of the other students did join me in this, and others did not.
As I have grown older I have developed a keen interest in science and I watch many shows that deal with many areas of science. I find it quite interesting how man has created telescopes that are orbiting in space and also probes that have been sent to explore planets and other stars. These were things that in my childhood were only thought of in sci-fi shows. The amazing part is that things that were once considered science fiction are now science fact.
I now there are some, no matter what, are like I was, un-yielding in their beliefs. They have not grown in when it comes to understanding. I am probably sure that if Davince were alive today and I could see and hear what science has discovered would think it was fantastical if he were just using the understanding of the time he lived in.
Many know the saying about not judging someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. The more I learn the less I realize I know.
I cannot understand my neighbour until I really know and understand my neighbour. What are his' likes, what does he believe. My mother told me something before I was ever a parent that the hardest thing for a parent to go through would be the loss of a child. I now have a daughter and grand children. When I hear of someone losing a child I can only imagine the extreme terrible grief and pain they are going through. I think of what I might feel like if I were to lose my daughter or grand child, and I cannot conceive that type of loss.
Today the world is experiencing a type of fear that is all gripping. It leading some to make judgements against one whole segment of humanity just because the extreme radicals among that group. Ask yourself if could I spot a person's faith just by looking at them if they were in a large group. The answer that should come back to you is 'No' . The color of skin is not a criteria either in judging the person's faith, nor is the country they live in.
In history we have seem this type of fear grip countries before, when Jewish people were emigrating to the U.S.A., some were preaching fear about them. The jewish community was trying to escape the horrors happening in Germany under a dictator trying to wipe them from planet earth. The men that created the huge movie studios in Hollywood actually changed their names to hide the fact that they were of the Jewish faith, just so they would not be persecuted.
Today it is no different. The Muslim community is experiencing persecution because of a small segment of people are extreme radicals who have bastadize the name 'Islam'.
In the community where I live, I can tell you that I know several people of the Muslim community. They are fine outstanding people who are doing great things for all those in the community.
So, let's not be so quick to offer judgement on things we don't understand or know. Let's take time to get to know and understand our neighbour.
When you hear someone making broad strokes against a whole culture, speak up and tell them they need to keep quiet and stop showing their ignorance.
End of discussion!
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