Sunday, December 27, 2015

2015, Back to the 1930's

Former president FDR made this statement during his' inauguration, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

In the Bible Job said this as he was going through his trials, "(Job 3:25 MSG)  The worst of my fears has come true, what I've dreaded most has happened."

Our parents did teach us when we were children something I would like to call, 'good fear'.  It was for our benefit and that was to keep us safe.  Things like to look both ways before crossing the street, and many more things.

Mankind is a compilation of feelings.  Not everyone fears the same things.  One may have a dreadful fear of water, while someone else fears spiders.

Many would present the argument about Nature vs. Nurture.

I was once told that if a baby does not feel love during its infancy it will not be able to show love to others.  It also has been theorized that if a baby is left alone and not receive any type of affection for a length of time, it will become sickly and die.

All of mankind has a deep need of love and acceptance.

A proven theory is that a person who has been abused will more than likely to become the abuser.

So, I lean towards the idea of nurture instead of nature.  It may be the fact that mankind is sentient being.  The idea of nature most likely applies to all other species on the earth.

So, we have a choice about which emotions we give into.  Receive love, show love, receive fear, show fear.

The voice of fear that is sounding around the world, but is very prevalent and strong in the USA.  This voice that is condemning a whole people of the Muslim faith and also refugees and immigrants is basically the same voice as the fear during the 1930's and the presidency of FDR.  The only real difference is back then it was not Muslims, but the Jewish community.

This voice is condemning ninety-nine percent for the evil that only one percent of extremists and radicals are causing.

Yes, it is true that those who forget history and doom to repeat it.

Christ gave us a commandment to Love our neighbors as  ourselves.

I would rather choose Love instead of fear!

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