This Sunday is Easter. This is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many though, do not celebrate this, but propagate the idea of the easter bunny and eggs. Just why was Jesus Christ crucified? Basically, he was misunderstood.
It is not pleasant when we are misunderstood. Maybe it's because we used the wrong words, or the tone that it was said in. This was the case in Christ Jesus. He did not speak in a language that the hierarchy in the Roman government nor the Jewish leadership. Christ spoke in parables.
Rome thought he was organising an uprising to topple their power. The Jewish leadership thought he was a blasphemer for saying he was the Son of God.
The two powers began to collaborate on a plan to end the movement that had started because of his' teachings.
Christ at his' trial was accused of casting out devils by the power of the devil, working on the Sabbath, and much more.
I feel the thing that must have hurt the most was knowing that someone who sat at the dinner table with him at the Last Supper was going to betray him. That person was Judas. Judas felt so guilty and it was heavy that we are told he went out into a field an hanged himself from a tree.
Christ while praying in the garden asked the heavenly father if the cup could be passed from him.
While on the cross he cried, Why hast thou forsaken me? Christ felt alone.
The feeling of being alone is overwhelming and can set in motion a set of actions which in a normal mind would never lead to destruction, but in a mind that is under attack it feels that the best way out is death.
Death is not the answer because it also sets in motion hurt, grief, anger, and questions in those who are left to deal with the death.
Some feel that someone dealing with depression is not really suffering from a real sickness. Depression is a sickness that cannot be seen, but its effects can be discerned. Many times though people miss the cues that someone is hurting. Also it is a myth that when someone is talking about suicide they won't do it. They just want attention. More than likely this is not the case.
So, you can see why Christ felt alone. He felt betrayed, and misunderstood.
This Easter seen reach out to someone and bring resurrection to their life bringing them out of the darkness of depression and into the light that Christ gives.
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