Have you ever been in a situation where it seemed that no matter what you did proved to be fruitless.
The evangelical, charismatic, groups will declare 'God doesn't fail' it must be something wrong with you. Maybe, you, a very weak faith.
Yes it is natural that men fail and fail others, leaving you with a distrust towards that person, or maybe a company.
Everytime you go through a situation that looks hopeless you put your faith and trust toward God.
You question everthing you believe in about God when maybe you face a terminal disease. You pray in earnest asking God for a miracle of healing. You follow your doctor's advice so that the disease that has attacked your body is expelled from your body and the doctor gives you a clean health slate.
I am writing this as to start a study about how people deal with the depression and feelings that just maybe God has failed you.
If you are reading this I am asking you to take a few minutes and post your comments about the situation where you had the feeling of being failed by God. Write and share about the situation, how you were feeling and how was your mental health was during the crisis you faced.
Some crisis's may have been, divorce, no healing or miracle for that one with terminal disease. Maybe you are a parent and have lost a child either through disease, accident, or while serving their country in a military action.
Maybe, you were a regular worshipper in your home church only to find out the clergy that has served the congregation with regular sermons etc., has failed morally.
So, I ask you as a reader to share with this blogger and others, about the time you did feel like God has failed you.